Σάββατο 2 Απριλίου 2016

Under the bell {Ispod čripnje}

croatian cookinIspod cripnje

Croatian cooking is at it’s very best with what is known as Under the lid. Is a literal translation for what we here in Croatia call ispod čripnje or ispod peke, depending on which part of Croatia you live.

Ispod čripnje is essentially is food that is cooked under extreme heat, using a terracotta lid, and burning wood embers. Ispod peke is our most favourite way of cooking, which along with this Grilled Fish requires very few ingredients and an open fire.
croatian cooking fire beer Ispod cripnje

A fire & a drink go hand in hand
What can you cook under your bell?

Just like with lots of things with Croatian cooking, you eat what is in season. Which means any number of mouthwatering meals can be prepared using this method. Favourites of ours here in the Adriatic are:

  •     Seafood:  Squid, cuttlefish or octopus.
  •     Meat: Veal, chicken, pork & lamb
  •     Vegetables – here you’ll find a vegetarian recipe
  •     Plus: bread

No matter what you choose, I have not yet seen any ispod čripnje/peke cooked without a huge serving of potatoes which are also cooked alongside the meat of choice.
Tips from our kitchen to yours

    Let me warn you up front that this type of Croatian cooking, whilst simple to prepare is tricky to master. Why? Because it’s all in the timing. Once you have placed your embers on top of your terracotta dome, it’s unlike an oven or pot, where you can peek inside. You’re blind, you can no longer see what you are cooking or if it’s ready.
    Keep some wood burning on the side, in case you need additional embers during the cooking process.
    To be able to make this dish, you need an outdoor cooking area. In Croatia, most village houses  have an out door kitchen known as a crna kuhinja {black kitchen}. But never fear in Australia we set up a make-shift one in the backyard, so you can too.

Let’s prepare

    Start your fire approximately one hour before you wish to start cooking. There are two important things to do here. In a large bowl, mix 2 kg of peeled potatoes, which have been cut into quarters lengthways. Season with Vegeta & good quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
        Ensure you hang the čripnje lid/bell over the fire so it will heat up.
        Make the fire in the same spot you will place the tray of meat and potatoes. The concrete below needs to be heated up as well.
    Layer the potatoes, in a wide, yet shallow metal pan
    Season your meat with Vegeta, and coat with more EVOO and crushed garlic.
    Place the meat on top of the potatoes
    You can also arrange around the meat, seasonal vegetables, such as  onions, carrots, peppers/paprikas cut into quarters
    Throw in a few sprigs of rosemary and a bay leaf

    Whilst practicing your new skills, why not grab a bottle of your favourite Croatian wine and call your family and friends over and catch up while you wait for what’s under the lid.

Fire it up

    Place your metal pan in the cooking area, and cover with the lid/bell
    Cover the lid/bell with your wood embers, this will create a seal
    Leave it to cook. It’s usually at this point a glass of domace rakija {home made brandy} is enjoyed



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