Πέμπτη 7 Απριλίου 2016

Madarica {Layered Chocolate Slice}

Croatian Recipes | Madarica | Layered Chocolate Cake |Chasing the Donkey Cooking Blog

This dessert is a real blast from the past for me and a real hit with all the children in our family. Back in Sydney, there was a Bakery that made Madarica the absolute best. That’s right, not even my mother could measure up to this bakeries Madarica. Anytime we had a party the Madarica was purchased and all the children would scoff it down as soon as it hit the table. We love this chocolate slice and hope you do as well.

Madarica Ingredients

Madarica Cake Layers

  •     600 g all-purpose flour
  •     1/2 tsp baking powder
  •     2 egg whites
  •     220ml cream
  •     150 g sugar
  •     180 g butter

Madarica Filling

  •     1 Litre milk
  •     140 g butter
  •     200 g sugar
  •     200 g chocolate
  •     5 tbsp all-purpose flour
  •     1 tsp vanilla extract

Madarica Glaze

  •     180 g chocolate
  •     3 tbsp oil
  •     50 g butter

Method For Making Madarica


Cook milk with sugar and vanilla until it boils. Take out a cup of milk and whisk the flour into the milk. Slowly pour in the flour and milk mixture into the boiling milk and continue to stir. Now turn down the heat and add the chocolate stir continuously until the chocolate melts and the filling thickens. Remove from heat and stir in butter. Put it aside and let the mixture cool. It should be completely cool before using it.

Cake Layers

    Preheat oven to 180 C.
    Now you need to make a dough. Beat butter with sugar, egg whites and cream. Add sifted flour and baking powder and knead into a dough. Separate it into five equal parts and roll it out into rectangles. I usually use a cake tin as a template so I know the size and shape that I need to roll the dough. Also I also like to roll it on baking paper that way it’s easy to transfer the dough onto the baking tray. Roll the dough as thin as possible and place it on a baking tray ready for cooking.
    Bake layers one by one, each for 8-9 minutes. You want the layers to stay light in colour. Once baked put them on a flat surface and let them cool.


Melt the chocolate with butter and oil over simmering water. When it’s well combined its ready.

Madarica Assembly

    Now it’s time to assemble the layers of the cake. First place one layer of the of the cooked dough onto a baking tray and then spread part of the filling on the cake.  Cover with the second layer of cooked dough and repeat. You need to end with the dough layer on top you can finish with the glaze. Now pour the glaze over the cake and then refrigerate overnight.
    The next day cut into small rectangles and serve.



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